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Four-­Ingredient Seaside Breakfast Salad
A quick and easy protein-­packed breakfast with sardines, artichokes and eggs, baked and served over fresh arugula.

Category Breakfast
Chef Brittany Mullins
Contributor Jeremiah
Last Update 6/27/2016 4:45:04 PM
Prep Time 15 min
Cook Time 15 min
Serves 2

arrow_right Sardines (In Water or Olive Oil), 1 ­ 4Oz Can
 arrow_right Eggs, 4 Large
 arrow_right Arugula, 2 Cups
 arrow_right Marinated Artichoke Hearts, 2 cups
 arrow_right Salt

Cooking Instructions

 Preheat oven to 375°F
 Chop artichoke hearts
 Place sardines in a small bowl and use a fork to break apart the meat
 Add artichoke hearts and toss to combine
 Place sardine and artichoke mixture into a small oven­-safe dish or small oven­-safe skillet
 Break the eggs on top of the sardine mixture
 Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste
 Bake for about 10-­12
 Serve over Arugula

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