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Not to know what has been transacted in former times is always to remain a child. If no use is made of the labors of the past, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
Welcome !
Jeremiah Fletcher is a programmer, movie buff, and Bills fanatic.

This site serves three purposes: 1) sharing personal information to friends and family, 2) sharing professional information to companies interested in working with me and 3) providing a venue for site design, search engine optimization techniques and script testing.

See below for some recent updates to the site...

October 2018

¬ Finally getting around to rebuilding the site. Converting to C# and updating styles. Stay tuned!

February 2010

¬ A year has nearly gone by.  There is no site of a full .Net version of this site.  I remain hopeful but the spirits of my team are waning.  LOL.  Still updating this website to ASP.Net. Just had to post to make fun of myself.  A plumber"s sink is always leaky.

March 2009

¬ I"ve (finally) begun the painful process of updating this website to ASP.Net. While I"m looking forward to the end result (and the subsequent ease of maintenance), the upcoming few weeks are going to be ugly. Bear with me, folks!

July 2007

¬ Cookie functionality added back in. To set cookies, go to ""Login"" in the left nav bar and be sure to check the ""Remember me next time"" checkbox.

September 2006

¬ Added Bug Reporter to the Help section. Allows site visitors to report bugs or usability issues with this website. Go to ""Need Help?"" in the left nav bar

¬ Added current weather report. Right now it only shows Today"s weather for Richmond and Boston (updated upon entry to the site) but it"s still pretty fun. See the left nav bar.

July 2006

¬ Quotable Quote changed to server-side so I can get you some more fun quotes, more easily.

¬ XHTML updated to be W3C compliant. Yay! Actually, this is a big deal. A plumber"s sink is always leaking and the adage applies to webmasters as well. So, I"m glad to have sealed this one up!
Valid HTML 4.01 Strict

July 2005

¬ Updated wedding site to include hotel information, venue information and other pertinent tidbits.

¬ Moved servers from WinSave to Omnis Network. This site is on the latter.

April 2005

¬ Updates to the vacation helper site.

¬ Photos site redesigned and new images added.

February 2005

¬ Recipe site redesigned for easier use.

July 2004

¬ Redesigned the site to make it more accessible to other browsers and to help the web-bots find it.

¬ Created simpler (more reusable) icons for navigation bar.

May 2004

¬ Added Help section to navigation bar. Contains a site map and Search page. Still working on most of it. Go to ""Need Help?"" in the left nav bar

¬ Hangman added to games. Still working out the bugs and the speed issues. Also hope to create an interactive version later. But it"s still pretty fun. Go to ""Members"" and then ""Fun & Games""

¬ Vacations & Directions Site Upgraded. More useful version of the vacations site and directions to the Winchester Reunion cabins. Go to ""Members"" and then ""Jer"s Tools""

April 2004

¬ Wedding site added. Go to ""Members"" and ""Jer"s Tools.""

March 2004

¬ Picture viewer (pop-up window) now allows you to email pictures to people and to request HI-Res versions from me

February 2004

¬ Pictures site operational again. Woohoo! It"s also upgraded a bit. Go to ""Members"" and ""Jer"s Lists""

¬ Minor design changes.

¬ My Info section added. You can now update your login, password, address, etc. by going to ""Members"" and ""My Info""

December 2003

¬ Keno added to games. Go to ""Members"" and then ""Fun & Games""