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Mushroom Sauce
This classic mushroom sauce can be served with all kinds of roasted or grilled meat dishes, including steaks. It's made with sauteed mushrooms, shallots and just a splash of sherry, and simmered in a basic demi-glace (substitute 2 cups beef broth reduce by 3/4 if you don't have time).

Category Sauce
Chef Danilo Alfaro
Contributor Jeremiah
Last Update 1/30/2016 5:41:55 PM
Prep Time 25 min
Cook Time 20 min
Serves 8

arrow_right Butter, 1 Tbsp
 arrow_right Mushrooms, ½ Cup
 arrow_right Shallots, 2 Tbsp
 arrow_right Sherry, 2 Tbsp
 arrow_right Demi-Glace/Beef Broth, 2 Cups
 arrow_right Lemon Juice, To Taste

Cooking Instructions

 Slice Mushrooms
 Chop Shallots
 In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat the butter over medium heat until it's frothy
 Add the mushrooms and shallots and sautee until the mushrooms are soft and the shallots are translucent, about 5 minutes
 Add the demi-glace, bring to a boil then lower heat to a simmer and reduce for about 10 minutes
 Stir in the sherry, season to taste with lemon juice and serve right away

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