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Mushroom Sauce for Steak
Use more oil and/or butter if necessary. The goal is for the oil and butter to be in equal proportions.

Category Sauce
Chef Seth Horton
Contributor Jeremiah
Last Update 5/25/2015 9:23:48 PM
Prep Time 45 min
Cook Time 20 min
Serves 2

arrow_right Garlic, 4-5 Cloves
 arrow_right White Mushrooms, 5 Large
 arrow_right Shallot, 1 Large
 arrow_right Olive Oil, 1.5 Tbls
 arrow_right Butter, 1.5 Tbls
 arrow_right Beef Consume, 1 10.5 oz. Can
 arrow_right Full-Bodied Red Wine, 10.5 oz. (Not Dry; I Used A Malbec Temprenillo Blend)
 arrow_right Heavy Whipping Cream, 1/2 Cup (More If Needed)
 arrow_right Herbes De Provence, 1/2 Tbls (Could Substitute Italian Season Or Thyme)
 arrow_right Garlic Powder, 1/2 tsp

Cooking Instructions

 Slice thin the white mushrooms
 Slice garlic as thinly as possible
 Dice shallot
 Sautee garlic in olive oil.
 Before the garlic browns, sift out of oil and reserve.
 Add butter to the garlic infused olive oil.
 When melted, add shallot and mushrooms.
 Cook until mushrooms are soft, 5-10 minutes.
 Dice up cooked slices of garlic and add to pan.
 Turn heat to high and add beef consume and red wine.
 Reduce until you have half a cup of liquid.
 Turn heat to low and add heavy whipping cream (note: if you’ve used consume instead of beef broth, it might be a little too salty; in that case, add a little more cream until the flavor is right).
 Add herbes de provence, garlic powder, and pepper.
 Simmer until sauce thickens, 5-10 minutes.
 Taste and adjust flavorings as needed.
 Use sauce atop steaks.

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