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Skewered Tomatoes, Mozzarella and Basil
This is a delicious, easy and pretty way to serve tomato, basil and mozzarella! You can serve in any kind of bulbous container. If there's a scientist coming, try beakers. If there's a florist, put them all in one, big vase. Have fun with that!

Category Appetizer
Chef Outdoor Living
Contributor Jeremiah
Last Update 9/7/2010 10:04:24 AM
Prep Time 10 min
Cook Time 0 min
Serves 6

arrow_right Cherry tomatoes, 1/2 lb
 arrow_right Fresh Mozzarella, 1/2 lb
 arrow_right Fresh Basil to taste (do not substitute dried basil)
 arrow_right Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cooking Instructions

 Slice all the cherry tomatoes into about 4 discs
 Slice the mozzarella to about the same size
 Chop the basil
 In small glasses, pour two fingers-worth of the basil olive oil mixture.
 Add about 3/4 of the basil to the oil and stir.
 Skewer the tomato and mozzarella into one, bite-sized piece at the very end of the skewer.
 Set into the olive oil.
 Sprinkle remaining basil over everything.

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