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A function is a reusable code-block that will be executed by an event, or when the function is called.

A function contains some code that will be executed by an event or a call to that function. A function is a set of statements. You can reuse functions within the same script, or in other documents. You define functions at the beginning of a file (in the head section), and call them later in the document. It is now time to take a lesson about the alert-box:

This is JavaScript's method to alert the user.

alert("This is a message")

How to Define a Function

To create a function you define its name, any values ("arguments"), and some statements:

A function with no arguments must include the parentheses:

Arguments are variables that will be used in the function. The variable values will be the values passed on by the function call.

By placing functions in the head section of the document, you make sure that all the code in the function has been loaded before the function is called.

Some functions return a value to the calling expression

How to Call a Function

A function is not executed before it is called.

You can call a function containing arguments:


or without arguments:


The return Statement

Functions that will return a result must use the "return" statement. This statement specifies the value which will be returned to where the function was called from. Say you have a function that returns the sum of two numbers:

When you call this function you must send two arguments with it:


The returned value from the function (5) will be stored in the variable called sum.

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