JavaScript Class

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Class Stuff

This page contains day-by-day examples of the subjects
learned in this course. Additionally, you can download the
syllabus in Word or PDF formats


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JavaScript Examples

Day 1 [summary]


Write text with JavaScript
Format text with HTML tags

Where to put the JavaScript

JavaScript in the head section
JavaScript in the body section
An external JavaScript


Declare a variable, assign a value to it, and display it


Function with an argument
Function with an argument 2
Function that returns a value
Function with arguments, that returns a value

Day 2 [summary]


If statement
If...else statement
Random link
Switch statement


A for loop
Looping through HTML headers
A while loop
A do..while loop

Day 3 [summary]

String Object

Count characters in a string (length() method)
Test if a string contains a specified character (indexOf() method)
Test if a string contains a specified character (match() method)
Return a specified part of a string (substr() method)
Uppercase or lowercase characters? (toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods)

Day 4 [summary]

Array Object

Make an array that stores names
Find out how many elements an array contains

Day 5 [summary]

Date Object

Today's date
Current local time
Set date
Display current weekday
Display a complete date with the name of the day and the name of the month

Math Object

Round a number to the nearest whole number (round() method)
Random number between 0 and 1 (random() method)
Random number from 0-10 (random() method and round() method)
Test which of two numbers, has the highest value (max() method)
Test which of two numbers, has the lowest value (min() method)

Day 6 [summary]

Window Object

Change the text in the <title> tag of a document
Display an alert box
Display an alert box with line breaks
Display a prompt box
Open a new window when clicking on a button
Place the new window in the top/left
Close a window
Refresh page
Change text in the status bar
Print page


Break out of a frame
Update two frames
Update two other frames

Day 7 [summary]


Validate an e-mail address
Validate a value
Validate a length of an input
Form validation
Set focus on an input field
Select text in an input field
Radio button
Select from a dropdown list
Select more than one option
Set focus on the next field when the current field's maxlength has been reached

Day 8

Browser (Client info)

Detect the client's browser
More details about the client
Detect details about the client's monitor
Redirect the user to different pages, depending on browser
Write a different message to the user, depending on the browser

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